About Us

The organisation’s priorities include support of disadvantaged patients; and supporting the Ministry of Health in optimising delivery of optimum cancer care guided by the existing policies and strategic documents. To date, the organisation has initiated several projects and activities to raise cancer awareness in society and give financial assistance to disadvantaged cancer patients. Lobbying for cancer-friendly policies is another key deliverable for Cancerserve.

To fulfil the Cancerserve vision and goal, the organisation has collaborated with various stakeholders. Cancerserve has an MOU with the Ministry of Health and Child Care. The LIONS Club of Gunhill often drives some Cancerserve Projects. Beneficiaries of the Projects so far include Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals, Mpilo hospital, Karanda Mission Hospital and some disadvantaged individuals.

Cancerserve as an organisation is mainly contributing to Sustainable Development Goal 3, which promotes good health and well-being of patients. These goals were born at the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development. The objective was to produce a set of universal goals that meet the urgent environmental, political and economic challenges facing our world with goal 3 speaking to the promotion of good health and well-being of patients. Cancerserve contributes to this SDG through raising awareness of cancer and fundraising to assist disadvantaged cancer patients.